Unified Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Backup, Secure, and Recover Anything, Anywhere

Unitrends solutions unify backup and disaster recovery with security and automation technologies, making 100% recovery confidence achievable for every organization.

Trusted by Over 30,000 Businesses Worldwide

Key Benefits

Take Control of Your Data Protection

Cut Management Time by 50%

Protect and recover all workloads with pre-integrated appliances, automated recovery testing, and more.

Reduce Costs by 33%

Excellent Customer Support

Reduce bandwidth utilization and cut capacity by 20:1 for secure byte-level data transmission.

Increase confidence with 24x7 US-based support with a 98% customer satisfaction rating.

Key Features

Secure, Protect, and RecoverYour Entire Environment

Automated DR Testing

Automatically test and certify your recovery objectives and SLAs ahead of time. Instantly detect and receive alerts on deviations.

Ransomware Detection

Identify anomalies and detect atypical behavior occurring in your data with our predictive analytics engine.

Instant Recovery

Get instant recovery for Windows, VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Unified Bare Metal Recovery.

Customizable Dashboard

Manage 1000s of backups with 2 clicks. Assign role-based access to backup files for secure self-service recovery.

Reporting & Documentation

Access reports and statistics to know how an outage would impact business continuity.

Data Management

Set custom backup and retention needed for compliance with HIPAA, SOX, GDPR, and other regulations in one step.


See What Our Customers Are Saying

"We love the product because it gives us less time to restore in case of an emergency and also the learning curve is quick. The reports are also very informative so we can know exactly what is happening with the backups and make sure we can restore them in case we needed. I like the fact that it integrates very easily with a VMware virtual environment."

"Unitrends does an excellent job of backing up our servers. The deduplication works extremely well and we are able to retain backups for many months! It has a range of features and allows you to schedule backups and backup types. It also allows for restoration down to the file level. I have never had an issue with a restore in the last 4 years I have used Unitrends."

Yuri M.

IT Infrastructure Specialist

Andrew M.

I.T. Director





Manage a Complex Backup Environment

Simplify Your Data Protection Strategy

Data is growing 33x faster than the internal IT staff being asked to manage it. Empower your team to focus on projects that boost your company's growth.

See Unitrends Backup In Action


200 Summit Drive

Burlington MA 01803 USA




* Capterra reviews

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.